President Pendarovski hand out certificates to first School of Politics participants


President Stevo Pendarovski awarded certificates to the participants of the School of Politics at the Presidential Center for Political Education for 2021.

The school, which was realized through four educational seminars in the period from March to November 2021, with the participation of eminent lecturers and trainers from the country and abroad, participated 41 young people aged 25 to 35 years.

During the awarding of the certificates, Pendarovski said that the composition and achievements of this first generation confirms that the School is on the right path to achieve this goal.

“Elected participants in an open call based on personal achievements and merits and respecting the diversity of our society, you have shown, regardless of personal, social, political and other differences, that Macedonian society has the capacity for democratic development and unification around key strategic “goals of the state, said Pendarovski,”reads the press release.

The School of Politics at the Presidential Center for Political Education was implemented in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, and the Macedonia 2025 Foundation.

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