SDSM that created the crisis cannot be the solution – the people chose change


Macedonia is stuck in a healthcare, economic and energy crisis under ZoranZaev, and he and his Government can’t provide the solutions out of the systemic crises. 7,000 people have died from COVID-19, we have the highest mortality in Europe, 14 people were burned alive, we had no vaccines, over 60,000 people lost their jobs, 5,600 companies were forced to shut down, Macedonia is at the top of the Transparency International corruption list. The country is sinking with SDSM, said VMRO-DPMNE official DraganKovachki on Thursday’s press briefing.

Kovachki assessed that the citizens in the second elections round held on Sunday clearly declared themselves for changes and “gave their support to VMRO-DPMNE and the opposition in huge numbers.”

“The people have chosen a new direction, and such their will of the people will be best effected by a new redistribution of forces in Parliament, through new early elections and a new Government led by VMRO-DPMNE,” Kovachki added.

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