MPs to discuss 2022 Budget


The debate on the 2022 Draft Budget should start in the Parliament today. According to the announcement on the website of the Assembly, the Draft Budget is put on the agenda of the Parliamentary Committee on Finance and Budget scheduled for 11 am, and then it should be reviewed by the Legislative Committee.

The preparation and adoption of the budget is prescribed by law and it specifies precise deadlines according to which it should be acted upon. According to those deadlines, the budget should be adopted by the Assembly by the end of the year at the latest.

Total expenditures are planned at the level of Denar 272.4 billion or 32 percent of GDP, and revenues at Denar 238.9 billion or 30.9 percent of GDP. Total revenues are 7.4 percent higher than in 2021, and expenditures increase by 1.4 percent compared to expenditures in 2021, but they are lower as a percentage of GDP compared to 2021.

“2022 will a year of further economic recovery and rapid growth through record investments, exceeding the budget deficit. Amid risks brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, focus will be put on public health protection. Timely payment of salaries, pensions and social benefits is also a crucial part of the budget”, said Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi.

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