How far is the investigation into Vice Zaev’s disappearance from criminal charges for racketeering in REK?


LjupchoNikolovski should answer why as Deputy Prime Minister responsible for fighting corruption he has not yet investigated and there is no solution to how Vice disappeared from criminal charges for racketeering in REK, why Vice was not summoned to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, but also why the case is frozen, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release.

“When he gives answers about Vice, he should also explain why is Den Donchev is free instead of sitting ona defendant’s bench? But how far are the cases with DragiRashkovski who was caught in crime and rigging tenders?

The Deputy Prime Minister is expected to explainhow far are the cases with LidijaDimova, as well.

We are waiting for answers about the commissions of VenkoFilipche from the vaccines, the murky tenders in the healthcare and all the omissions of the Minister Filipche”, reads the opposition party’s reaction.

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