Mickoski: New coalition is the last act of the attempt to destroy Macedonia directed by Zaev


The new coalition that now includes Alternativa and the distribution of director and ministerial positions, resembles the last act of the attempt to destroy Macedonia directed by Zoran Zaev and SDSM, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski told the press during his visit to Shtip on Tuesday.

“What is happening in the past few days is a political ignorance of Zoran Zaev and SDSM and an attempt to extend their political life for a few weeks. It is a shame what is happening, it is a shame that politics has been reduced to trade as in the green market and instead of talking about strategy, vision, talking about values, talking about development projects, today the debate comes down to who – how many ministerial positions they got, how many director positions they got, how many members of the board of directors, how many in the supervisory board and at the end of the day all that is paid by the poor citizens in Macedonia”, said Mickoski.

Furthermore, Mickoski said that this was the essence of Zoran Zaev’s approach ‘which is completely wrong and once again concluded that this is actually the last act of trying to destroy Macedonia, to impoverish the people and all that directed by Zoran Zaev and SDSM’.

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