Trade Unions call for mass protests on Sunday for all workers’ rights


Sunday to be a non-working day, to pay holiday allowances to workers, the minimum to be 60% of the average salary, i.e. 18,000 denars, signing the General Collective Agreement, payment of K-15 and the public sector, spiral increase of other salaries, demands The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM).

On Sunday, the trade unions went on a massive and radical protest in Skopje, to express their dissatisfaction with the deaf attitude of the institutions, as well as the ignorant attitude of the government.

“Due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic and the announced energy crisis where ERC says that from January 1 the price of electricity will increase by at least 20%, we demand the minimum wage to be 60% of the average wage or 18,000 denars, and all other wages to grow gradually in accordance with the collective agreements “, Dimovskitold Alfa TV.

Not passing of the law for declaring Sunday a non-working day, which was supposed to start on October 1, the president of SSM believes that is the reason why 92% of workers cannot rest on Sundays, and 8% of those who work in activities where the work process cannot be interrupted do not take 50 percent higher daily wages.

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