ESM offers EUR 41 per MWh of electricity to EVN Home


Power Plants of Macedonia (ESM) has submitted a bid to the universal electricity supplier EVN Home for the purpose of covering 100 percent of projected requirements for tariff consumers in the first half of 2022. The bid stands at EUR 41 per MWh of electricity, a 13.6-percent increase compared to the July –December 2021 bid.

“EVN Home received only one bid at today’s tenders, that of ESM. The offered price at both tenders (for 60 percent and 40 percent of total projected requirements) was EUR 41 per MWh,” EVN Macedonia says in a press release.

It adds that ESM will cover the total projected electricity quantities for users of the universal supplier in the first half of 2022. The price is by 13.6 percent higher than the one of the tender for period July-December 2021, when ESM bid EUR 36.1 per MWh, says EVN Macedonia.

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