In addition to electricity, the price of heating will also increase due to the incompetent government


Due to the incompetence of the government, in addition to electricity, the price of heating will also increase, reads the opposition VMRO-DPMNE’s press release.

“The government emptied the hydro-reservoirs in the summer and sold cheap electricity, for now when the electricity breaks records to import expensive electricity. The loss is tenfold. Instead of digging for coal, the government called off unnecessary tenders in REK, and now steals electricity from Europe and pays penalties in millions of euros. When countries around the world and the region were working on gas supplies, the government did not move a finger. Now, as a consequence, there is an announcement for increasing the price of heating,” said VMRO-DPMNE.

The government is incapable of managing the energy sector. The country is in a deeper crisis every day, the opposition party added.

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