VMRO-DPMNE MPs will initiate legal changes – to ban the import of tobacco until the domestic one is sold


The mayors of the regions where tobacco is grown and is one of the main existential branches in the municipalities, gathered on Sunday at a coordination meeting to discuss the low price of tobacco and one of the main topics was finding solutions for higher purchase prices.

Mayor of the Municipality of MogilaDraganchoSabotkovski said that the reason for this regional meeting was the low purchase price and one of the conclusions they reached at that coordination meeting was to submit requests to the State Agricultural Inspectorate to go to the field for a realistic assessment of tobacco.

Mayor of PrilepBorcheJovcheski welcomed this meeting and announced that there will be more frequent such communications and contacts with the associations of tobacco producers, where they will be able to report daily on the class and the price and it is with interest to properly assess the classes.

“By doing this, we would save the domestic tobacco, but at the same time, every next tobacco producer would invest in the future, with a future harvest to make sure to contribute to his family and would reduce the emigration of young people from our country,” said Jovcheski.

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