Stoilkovski: SDSM justifies illegal operation with lies


SDSM is trying to cover with lies the illegal work, the conscious violation of laws, the conscious compromising of higher education. Kovacevski and the team are still sitting in armchairs, working illegally and justifying themselves with lies. Zaev’s pawn Kovachevski appoints two professors, dean and vice dean, which is against the law, to high party positions, members of the EB, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski told a press conference.

He pointed out that SDSM Vice President Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska, in her first public appearance tried to manipulate with lies the illegality and violation of the law on higher education regarding the appointment of dean and vice dean for members of the EB within SDSM.

“Two professors, members of SDSM, university dean and vice dean, break the law and accept to be members of the highest party body SDSM Executive Board, a body which according to the party statute, creates and implements policies and is responsible for the internal structuring of the party. It’s been five days and none of them has apologized, nor has taken responsibility, nor showed virtue to change this decision,” said Stoilkovski.

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