Panovski: COVID-19 certificates should be canceled – they have no effect and no medical justification


Continuation of the school winter break for additional two weeks, then return of students to schools without face masks and Macedonia to be the first country in the world to cancel COVID-19 certificates, says microbiologist Nikola Panovski in last night’s interview with TV Kanal 5.

The winter break should be extended for another two weeks, and then the students should return to schools without wearing face masks, says Dr. Panovski.

According to the doctor, it is necessary to abolish the COVID-19 certificates, which he called “a major nonsense”, have no effect and no medical justification.

“We should be the first in the world to cancel the certificates, which are a major nonsense, they have no effect and no medical justification. If restrictive measures cannot help, then we need to take mitigating measures. The certificates should be canceled,” Panovski said.



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