Kovachevski: No talks on the Macedonian identity, it is the foundation of the people and the country


Talks with Bulgaria will continue and intensify, but no one must and will not negotiate the identity of the Macedonian people, SDSMleader  and Prime Minister-designate Dimitar Kovacevski said on Saturday in his address to the MPs.

“We have achieved the decades-long strategic goal of NATO membership and secured peace, stability and a secure future for our children. But on the road to the EU we face the challenges for which the two governments, North Macedonia and Bulgaria, are determined to find solutions through dialogue and cooperation. Macedonian and Bulgarian citizens are more interested in the economy, cultural, educational and youth exchanges, infrastructure that connects and on these topics we must cooperate much more. History belongs to historians, but identity issues are based on the people and the country. There is no dilemma for the Government – no one must and no one will negotiate for the identity of the Macedonian people and for the historically and scientifically confirmed specificity and uniqueness of the Macedonian language,” said Kovachevski.

Kovachevski added that Macedonia will continue with good neighborly policies and enhanced cooperation with all neighboring countries.


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