The staff that is the cause of the crises cannot be a way out and a solution, says VMRO-DPMNE


This is a Government, just like the previous one, which does not have the credibility and capacity to take Macedonia out of the difficult situation in which it has been for a while now, and is a result of the destructive and catastrophic rule of the predecessor and teacher of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, said the VMRO-DPMNE group coordinator Nikola Micevski at the Parliament session that discussed the election of the new Government.

The opposition MP stressed that many of the staff proposed for ministers are part of the people who made Macedonia a state of crime and corruption, in which there is a major financial, economic, health, and most recently energy crisis.

“The disastrous policies of SDSM that were led by people and staff that led to a terrible crisis in Macedonia in health in general, including the consequences of COVID-19, the energy crisis, the chaos of Skopje’s heating supply, and the economic crisis in the country, now we should believe and expect that these same people will bring good for the country and the citizens,” Micevski said.

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