There are seven institutions for fighting corruption, but they are partisan and don’t function, says Trajanov


Reforms of the judicial system are mentioned again, but they should finally be implemented, MP PavleTrajanov, also leader of the Democratic Union party, which is a smaller coalition partner in the Government, said during the two-day debate on the election of the new government.

“I expect the new government to start an uncompromising fight against major crime on Monday. Seven institutions are involved in the fight against crime and corruption, but they are very partisan. I propose the adoption of a new law on the fight against organized crime and corruption. I suggest that the fabricated trials be reconsidered, because the slogan of the Colorful Revolution “There is no justice, there is no peace” will continue to smolder, because there is no justice. If there is no justice, capital runs away, young people leave the borders and do not return,” Trajanov said at Sunday’s debate on the election of a new government in Parliament.

The MP demanded that Macedonia be one constituency. He said that the changes in the Election Code are only for the benefit of the four major parties and that is why they hold the advantage in the elections.

Trajanov urged the new government to include the Parliament in talks with Bulgaria, as only then would the process be transparent.

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