VMRO-DPMNE demands that the Prosecutor’s Office open a procedure for damaging the budget of the municipality of Gazi Baba


The Public Prosecutor’s Office requests that VMRO-DPMNE, which is taking over this Skopje municipality after the victory in the local elections in October, open a procedure for the procurement of lighting for BorcheGeorgievski and damage to the budget of the municipality of Gazi Baba.

“In just 103 days, BorcheGeorgievski from SDSM as mayor of Gazi Baba spent 11 million denars for the installation of new lighting lines, and at the same time until the end of this period awarded another tender of 1.7 million euros to replace the current LED light bulbs and paid a 20 percent advance,” said the opposition party.

As previously presented with documents by VMRO-DPMNE, Georgievski spent 2 million euros on the citizens of Gazi Baba for less than a year for lighting, which is why they call on the municipality and the new mayor BobanStefkovski to review the procedures, and the institutions to open a procedure.

“Does the actual situation on the ground correspond to that in the supervision, the municipality and the one reported by the contractor company. Are these real needs and things or was it only necessary to pay advances before the elections?” reads VMRO-DPMNE’s press release.

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