State institutions and municipalities owe over EUR 20 million for electricity to EVN


The debt for electricity of state institutions and municipalities to EVN is over 20 million euros, reports NetPress. According to the information, the institutions owe for consumed electricity for a longer period of time, and some of them for more than a year. One of the biggest debtors is the Ministry of Health, several public enterprises and municipalities.

The high debts for electricity are also due to the huge increase in the price of electricity on the stock exchanges, and most institutions and municipalities, as a result of the liberalization of the market, have been supplied on the free market for several years. Although before the beginning of the liberalization a decrease in the prices of electricity was announced, we are witnessing a high growth of the price of electricity, of over 100 percent.

The City of Skopje has already asked the Government for urgent intervention with the energy crisis, because a huge part of the capital’s budget goes to electricity supply.

In order to overcome the debt crisis in the energy sector, at the last session the Government accepted the conclusions of the Ministry of Finance, which oblige the budget users from the central government to settle the overdue obligations for consumed electricity and to pay their invoices within the set deadlines. It is also recommended that the local self-government units and the institutions, in accordance with their competence, settle the overdue bills.


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