Family physicians to protest on Friday


Family physicians in the country will not work with patients to use “MojTermin” (“My Appointment”), but only with emergencies. This is a protest of the doctors from the small communities and the clinics with a small number of patients, who are facing the possibility of shutting down, because with the existing capitation they cannot survive.

“This protest is due to a number of reasons we encounter at work, such as the small capitation of 65 denars which was adopted in 2018. With these funds, a nurse with a minimum salary of 18,000 denars should be paid, to pay an increased electricity bill. There are colleagues in small places where the number of patients is declining and they are faced with the possibility of closing ambulances. The association belongs to all private doctors and that is why we are making this protest “, said Dr. LiliCholakova-Dervishova, President of The Association of General Practice/Family Medicine of the Republic of North Macedonia (ZPLM).

The doctor says that the dissatisfaction of the family doctors has accumulated in the past period, there were different opinions on how to express themselves and they decided to protest. A meeting with the Deputy Minister of Health is scheduled for Friday afternoon.

Due to the poor state of private health care, the number of doctors decreased from 1,800 to 1,436.

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