Ministry of Interior proposes a law prohibiting its members from being members of a political party


Proposed amendments to the Law on Interior and the Law on Police have been submitted, which are in parliamentary procedure, the Ministry of Interior announced Thursday.

Issues that are subject to the draft-laws are integrity of the employees in the Ministry, depoliticization of the Ministry of Interior, i.e. the employees, provision of qualitatively new conditions for election of director of the PSB, operational independence of the police, reform in the disciplinary procedure for employees in Ministry and introduction of a decisive duty to declare property/interests.

“Regarding the integrity of the employees in the Ministry, for the first time, a legal solution proposes to regulate this issue for the candidates for employment in the Ministry of Interior, as well as for all employees in the Ministry. As a new condition for establishing employment, it is proposed that the candidate has passed the Integrity Test. For the existing workers, in order to prevent corruption and abuse of office, and in order to strengthen the integrity of each worker, it is proposed to check the integrity, by conducting a test for professional integrity,” informed the Ministry of Interior.

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