DUI’s policies affect the emigration of Albanians, says MP Miloshoski


Since DUI came to power and Ali Ahmeti, more Albanians and my generation with whom I studied have emigrated from Kichevo, than ever before. Why? Because they do not see a perspective, maybe someone managed to get a job in a state institution through clientelism and that means some income, but in general the policy pursued by DUI only fills the buses in Kichevo, Skopje, Kumanovo and other places, for graduates. doctors, architects, accountants who go to Germany, Slovenia, United States and other places, member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee and MP Antonio Miloshoski told Shenja TV.

When asked if he thinks that DUI pursues a policy of nationalists, Miloshoski said that it does not work anymore, although DUI is trying to impose it, adding that the real topic is whether the citizens who voted for DUI have a better standard of living.

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