Additional 50 Macedonian citizens wait for evacuation from Ukraine – most of them should be evacuated today


Out of a total of 100 Macedonian citizens in Ukraine, 50 have already been evacuated and as many need to be evacuated. Of these 50, not all are our citizens, and we are expected to evacuate most of them today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani informed at Tuesday’s briefing.

Of the 50 citizens, as he informed, 20 are in Kyiv, 20 are in other cities across Ukraine. All citizens that were in Odessa have been evacuated. According to the information available to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the call to leave Ukraine before the start of the military conflicts was used by about 20 citizens, and since February 24 they managed to evacuate about 30 of our citizens through security corridors created in cooperation with our partners.

Of the 30 citizens, as Osmani informed, 15 are monitors within the special monitoring mission that have already been withdrawn through the OSCE. That process, he pointed out, is coordinated together with the OSCE Secretary General in Vienna and Secretary General Schmidt, while 15 of our civilians were evacuated in partnership with other countries, primarily the Republic of Bulgaria, six from Odessa through the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Odessa and 10 from Kyiv yesterday in a convoy secured by the Republic of Bulgaria withdrawing 200 of their citizens who take over these 10 of Macedonian citizens.



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