NB Vice Governor: The Denar is stable, the foreign exchange reserves are high

Macedonian currency bank notes

The Macedonian Denar exchange rate is stable, the foreign exchange reserves are at an extremely solid level and we have the capacity and space to maintain the exchange rate stability, said the Vice Governor of the National Bank Ana Mitreska.

“The MK Denar is stable. I would just like to mention that given the exchange rate regime we have, what is crucial for us is the foreign exchange market and foreign exchange reserves. So far, all changes in foreign reserves are fully consistent with our expectations. The level is high, around 3.4 billion euros, and let me emphasize that this level is higher than the level we had at the very beginning of the pandemic. In fact, after all the parameters of the reserves that we monitor, they are adequate and are, de facto, a mirror of our capacity to maintain the stability of the exchange rate,” Mitreska told Telma TV.


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