Census results by the end of March, says SSO head


The results of the census will be announced in late March. They are still subject to processing, because it is the most professional work, according to international standards for this type of statistical operations, said the director of the State Statistical OfficeApostolSimovski.

In an interview with Nova TV, Simovski said that the deadline for publishing the results of the Census is March 31, 2022, which is the shortest deadline that the SSO had for processing census data.

The SSO head informed that an international expert was engaged in the statistical operation by the European Commission. The expert was present in the whole process of preparation and implementation of the census, and participates in the processing of data along with the SSO team.

Asked if there is a need to defend the integrity of the Census data, the director of the SSO said that the Office is behind the data it produces and publishes and that there is no need to defend the integrity of the institution, not only for the Census data, but also for all the data they produce.

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