VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson: Early parliamentary elections are a way out of crises, Macedonia with SDSM is moving in the wrong direction


Early parliamentary elections are necessary after all the events in Macedonia. The citizens in the last poll that came out of an international organization said what is the advantage of VMRO-DPMNE over SDSM. They said that Macedonia is moving in the wrong direction at the moment and that is a sufficient indicator why SDSM is running away from the elections, said Marija Miteva, member of the EC and spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE in an interview with Kanal 5 TV.

Miteva stressed that the only way out of the crisis is early parliamentary elections and to come people who really know how and know how to contribute to these citizens, despite what SDSM has been doing for the past 5 years which has brought nothing but crises.

“At the moment, Macedonia has no inflation but stagflation. That means inflation, high prices and stagnation of the economy. That is the reality that Macedonia is facing at the moment. What is the government doing regarding the crisis, where are the package of measures? Here we have an increase in fuels, where are the measures? Every passing day or hour is on the weight of the citizens. The price is paid by the citizens,” stressed the spokesperson.

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