Minister Bekteshi: Our main goal is to protect the domestic market and the citizens


Protection of the domestic market and citizens in times of crisis, avoidance of speculative actions of traders and producers and protection of domestic production, is the goal of the latest measure, adopted today by the Government, which extends until April 15, 2022 the ban on exports of certain cereals and sunflower oil, said Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi, stressing that the ban on the export of wheat and halibut, barley, corn, wheat flour and halibut, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed oils, saffron or maple seeds and their fractions, refined or unrefined, but chemically unmodified, from sunflower will be valid for the next 25 days.

“Our Government’s priority is to protect the standard of living of the citizens and to maintain economic stability,” the minister said.

Bekteshi reminded that the Government at a session held on March 10, 2022, adopted a Decision to limit the export of certain goods, according to which, starting from March 10, the export of certain goods is limited to March 20, 2022 in order to prevent their export with accelerated dynamics of damage to the domestic market.


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