Macedonian handball team loses in return match in Bucharest, but qualifies for a duel with the Czech Republic


The Macedonian men’s handball team played the second leg of the World Cup qualifier against Romania in Bucharest and unlike the match in Skopje, the Macedonian handball players played a weaker game, the Romanians had the lead in most of the match and finally won with 24:22 (12: 12).

The first half went by in a level game in which Macedonia completely controlled the pace and the result. The Romanians, aware that they were chasing a huge negative, tried to enter the goal series, but they often made mistakes. The image on the field was similar in the second half. Romania did not show special quality, but the Macedonian handball players were not at the level of the match they had two days ago.

For a place at the World Cup, the Macedonian team, thanks to the victory in Skopje from 30:22, will now play against the Czech Republic in the duel scheduled for April.

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