Opposition accuses of fierce police pressure on farmers protesting low purchase prices


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and the Ministry of Agriculture Ljupcho Nikolovski through the Ministry of Interior led by their fellow party member Oliver Spasovski are putting fierce pressure on the farmers, who through protests express their revolt over the government’s inability to provide placement for their agricultural products, President of the VMRO-DPMNE Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Cvetan Tripunovski accused on Sunday.

Trupunovski presented a document or request for initiating misdemeanor proceedings against nine people from Kochani, all members of the Initiative Board of rice farmers, who protested with blockades on the Kochani – Stip highway, due to the absence of purchase and normal purchase prices of rice.

The Government is abusing the police and wants to intimidate rice farmers into not going out and using their constitutionally guaranteed right to protest. This is the invitation for a conversation from the public prosecutor, for one of the organizers, from which it is clear that he was called as a defendant because he protested and expressed his revolt due to the low purchase prices of rice,” Tripunovski said.

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