VMRO-DPMNE will support the proposal for single constituency


“This draft law on amendments to the Electoral Code proposed by the MPs who are part of the smaller coalition partners of the government was submitted to the Parliament in March 2021. So a year as it was submitted, and we even organized a month or two ago meetings with all these lawmakers and all other political parties except DUI and SDSM. At those meetings we discussed exactly this draft law and our position at all those meetings we had individually with all and it was that we are for one constituency considering the general current situation in Macedonia, but not as a condition if the Electoral Code or draft amendments to its amendment is not adopted or not adopted. We know that the adoption of this draft law depends exclusively on the majority,” said Dafina Stojanoska, MP and member of the VMRO-DPMNE EC in an interview with the “Morning Briefing” TV show.

Stojanoska added that VMRO-DPMNE will support this draft law on amendments to the Electoral Code.

“We said we would support it, the proposal is for one constituency and there are a good number of parties that agree on one constituency. And I think that the position of DUI is that they want eight constituencies, the Alliance for Albanians is also for eight constituencies, and BESA was for three constituencies. And the other parties are in favor of a single constituency. However, it remains to discuss the threshold if necessary and whether the lists should be open or not. Maja Morachanin of the DOM party said that in addition to the open lists, they will strive for a 50% equal presence of both sexes on the lists. So, even today, at 10 am, the 39th session of the Commission for Political System has been convened, where the first point is precisely this draft law”, said MP Stojanoska.

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