Closing of the KAM Markets a blow to citizens who shop cheaper, is a political order and elimination of competition behind such a step?


Under strange circumstances, one of the largest supermarket chains is closing, where the citizens are shopping cheaper food, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Wednesday.

VMRO-DPMNE previously warned that the work of the PRO is misdirected and politically motivated.

Hundreds of jobs have been called into question, while the ruling oligarchs continue to make money on the backs of the people.

The Government led by SDSM and DUI is obliged to answer whether behind such a step is a political order and elimination of the competition of structures close to the government?

Is the Government aware that the closure of the KAM markets is a blow to the citizens who want to buy cheaper products?

“Is it true that this is an order that came directly from the building on Ilinden Street to save the ruling coalition, and protection of one of the financiers of the campaign of a political party in power?, asks VMRO-DPMNE.


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