Trajanov: A ‘European flag’ procedure for the law on single constituency is one of the possibilities


The draft-law for one constituency entered the parliamentary procedure. The proposer of the law is MP Pavle Trajanov from the Democratic Union (DS), who in a statement to the media said that if this law is blocked, the possibility of requesting early parliamentary elections is not ruled out.

“Now the law is in regular procedure and all our efforts are to ensure a broader political consensus from all parties in parliament and that process has begun, we do not need to prejudge what would happen if someone blocked it. It is an open possibility, if it is blocked by any party, then we will consider the possibility if we manage to propose it in an abbreviated procedure and go with the ‘European flag’ fast-track procedure, as many other laws have passed, thus avoiding blockade. For now, we are going to have a regular procedure, there will be a plenary session soon to discuss. So far I have not heard any argument why they do not agree that Macedonia should be a single constituency. They have no arguments,” Pavle Trajanov said in a statement for

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