Turkish community in Macedonia refuses accept the census results


Serious omissions have been made in the enumeration process, the Constitution and numerous regulations have been violated, and many citizens have not been enumerated, said the National Coordinating Body for the Census of the Turkish People in Macedonia, which does not recognize and accept the published figures and percentages for Turks in the census, assessing them as unrealistic.

They point out that before the census they pointed out the inadequate methodology and shortcomings in the process, as well as technical problems with the software and lack of information of the population, but also the lack of Turkish enumerators, which was informed by the competent institutions in the country and abroad involved in the census.

“Our demands were ignored and ignored. This approach of the competent institutions overshadowed the entire census process. If our requests and remarks in accordance with the Constitution and the laws were taken into account, initially by the State Statistical Office, more of the above problems and omissions would have been solved. Unfortunately, this Census will be remembered as neglected by the competent institutions with many unanswered questions and ignoring our request. From the above it can be concluded that the rights of the Turkish people have been violated, which is one of the nation-building peoples of the Republic of North Macedonia and equal to the others,” said the National Coordination Body for the census of the Turkish people in the country.


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