Measures have been taken against the “Russian spy” officials, assures Macedonian PM


Relations between Bulgaria and North Macedonia are at a much better and much higher level of communication than they were in the period before the arrival of the two new governments, said Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski.

At a press conference in Bitola, Prime Minister Kovachevski confirmed that measures have been taken for Macedonian officials suspected of working against the good neighborly relations of the two countries, for the interests of third countries.

“Relations between Bulgaria and North Macedonia are at a much better and much higher level of communication than they were in the period before the arrival of the two new governments. We immediately established a dialogue with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, then we had a joint government session in Sofia where groups were formed and started working with already visible results in various areas important for citizens, but also for economic entities, infrastructure development, education development, and today there is a meeting of the working group for European integration. The co-chairs of the Historical Commission also attended the joint government session and it is characteristic for them that they work according to their own methodology, independent of politicians and other working groups. When there are common views in that commission, then they jointly announce and send them to the governments. At the moment, there are no proposals from the Historical Commission to the two governments,” said Prime Minister Kovachevski.

When asked by a journalist about the actions of certain services or individuals against the good neighborly relations between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, as well as the information announced by the Bulgarian Prime Minister KirilPetkov, Prime Minister Kovachevski confirmed that measures have been taken in the country.


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