Family physicians to protest on Thursday


The family physicians in the country said they plan to hold a peaceful protest in front of the Ministry of Health tomorrow, on April 7, Health Day – Thursday. The Board of Directors of the Association of Private Doctors of Macedonia on the second of this month decided to go on a peaceful protest for the third time because none of their demands have been met.

“The half-hour protest in front of the Ministry of Health will start at noon, and we decided to gather all the doctors and nurses on April 7, Health Day, because nothing has changed. For the first time we have a minister who is from primary health and who understands our problems, as well as a deputy minister who is from tertiary health and who understands our problems. Unfortunately, the Government did not fulfill any of our requests. The Economic Council of the Government should find money to increase the capitation point of the family doctors, so that we can keep the young doctors and pay the nurses accordingly,” says President of the Association of Private Doctors of Macedonia Lidija Cholakova-Dervishova.

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