Court sentences Boki 13 to 9 years in prison for the “International Association” case


The Criminal Court – Skopje on Thursday announced the verdict in the “International Association” case, where the primary defendant is Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13, and four other people were accused, including former MP Frosina Remenski.

Judge Sofche Gavrilova-Efremova ruled that Bojan Jovanovski was guilty because with the actions she read he committed the crime of fraud under Article 247 paragraph 4 in conjunction with paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 45 of the Criminal Code and money laundering and others. proceeds of crime from Article 273 and paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, whereby the court, in accordance with the cited legal provisions of Articles 4, 32, 33, 35, 39 of the Criminal Code, determines a prison sentence of 5 years each and in accordance with Article 44 of the Criminal Code sentenced to a single prison sentence of 9 years.

Jasna Mandikj was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to a single prison sentence of 4 years.

Former SDSM MP Frosina Remenski was acquitted. Bojan’s father, Mile Jovanovski, was sentenced to two years probation.

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