KSS supports SONK for the major protest on Monday, calls from support from the parents as well


KSS has long pointed out the poor condition of public sector employees and dissatisfaction with wages. The KSS branch unions expressed their dissatisfaction through a series of various union activities. Over the years, the branch unions have held a series of protests, and the last protest was held on March 30, 2022 by several branch unions at KSS, according to the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia.

KSS resolutely stands behind the demands of SONK and with all its resources and logistics supports the general strike of SONK.

KSS stands firm and supports the employees in the field of education and the activity of preschool care and upbringing of children and their demands for dignity, justice and respect for labor and to start paying salaries in accordance with the law and collective agreements.

“Without the deserved salary, without respecting the already acquired rights of workers in these industries, but also with impoverished and undervalued workers, we will not have any progress in the education of our children, because we will face a serious deficit in these professions, that is, there will be no one to take care of and educate our children. That is why we call on the parents to show strong solidarity with the second parents of their children and to resolutely support the educational workers to fight for the status they deserve,” said the unions.

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