Education strike continues, SONK and Government to negotiate salaries yet again


The Independent Trade Union for Education, Science and Culture (SONK) announced the continuation of the general strike of its membership in kindergartens, primary and secondary education due to their demands for harmonization of salaries in the education sector with the minimum wage.

“So far we do not have a joint agreement with the line ministers on our requests, we expect confirmation for a meeting in the afternoon, but for now there is no specific information. Our expectation is that in the interest of the children in the schools and the colleagues that are in strike, the Government will find the strength to make efforts to harmonize our demands of SONK regarding the harmonization of the minimum wage at the national level. And of course we expect an agreement on the dynamics of harmonizing salaries in education during this year and the years to come,” said the SONK President JakimNedelkov at a press conference on Monday.

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