Mizrahi to Kovachevski: You don’t know how to lead a country and you can’t lead a country, when will you resign so that we can hold snap elections?


Mizrahi to Kovachevski: You don’t know how to lead a country and you can’t lead a country, when will you resign so that we can hold snap elections?


At today’s Parliament session, VMRO-DPMNE MPRashela Mizrahi asked three parliamentary questions to the Prime Minister DimitarKovachevski, among which, when he plans to resign, tso that snap parliamentary elections can be scheduled, because’ it is obvious that the government does not know how and cannot lead a country’.

“You signed a good neighborliness treaty, and you received a brutal spit in the face of both the people and the state, accompanied by a veto, now a dose of fascism. I do not know if you have seen what is going on in the media with our neighbor, and while we suffer such insults from us there is no answer and now where we see an appropriate and proportionate response to the statements of our neighbor, do you have any reaction, do you plan to have any reaction and if your silence means that you accept these allegations of the politicians from the neighborhood, it would be catastrophic to answer yes,” Mizrahi said.


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