VMRO-DPMNE will not endorse negotiations with Bulgaria until the country receives written guarantees


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani continues not to speak the truth and to manipulate the people, because what we hear from Sofia is that there will certainly be no negotiations. The only thing that can happen is the first intergovernmental conference, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, asked about the statement of the Macedonian Foreign Minister regarding a possible agreement and the start of accession negotiations with the European Union.

Mickoski explained that the first intergovernmental conference is “just folklore, an event without essence”.

“Representatives of the European Commission and the Macedonian government will have their photos taken together, and this is where it all ends. Negotiations will not start until the entire negotiating framework is respected, and that negotiating framework will include the demands of Bulgaria, including the intervention in the Macedonian Constitution,” Mickoski said.

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