VMRO-DPMNE and coalition to submit interpellation request for Xhaferi


The Parliament group of VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition “Renewal for Macedonia” will submit an interpellation request for Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, the coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliament group Nikola Micevski told the media on Thursday.
“After what happened yesterday, when we the MPs were locked in the plenary hall by order of Talat Xhaferi, it is already crystal clear that the Parliament is no longer a democratic institution but an institution captured by an Autocrat who allows himself to act as if the Parliament is a private property, disrespecting no Rules of Procedure and above all violates basic human rights. Talat Xhaferi, with his dictatorial and unprincipled methods, must not lead the legislature, not even for another day. This man has no respect for anyone, nor for the parliamentary service that he insulted and cursed in the most obscene way, nor for the MPs for whom he dared to restrict their right to movement and locked them in the plenary hall. Dear citizens, these are the cries of a powerless and incompetent man who cannot build his own authority either in the service or in the MPs and therefore, not knowing what to do, he dares to forcibly implement a regime that is far from democratic. For Talat Xhaferi, there is no Rules of Procedure, there are no human rights. This autocrat is included in the film that no one can do anything to him and that he is untouchable and that is why he has to go beyond the temple of democracy,” says Micevski

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