VMRO-DPMNE to submit interpellation request for Parliament Speaker Xhaferi on Monday


    VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition will formally submit the interpellation request for Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi on Monday, member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee Dafina Stojanoska told a press briefing on Sunday.
    “Kovachevski should come out of DUI’s lap, and SDSM MPs should support the interpellation of Talat Xhaferi. Autocrat Xhaferi has shown that he is not worthy to hold the Parliament Speaker position because of his primitivism, violation of the Rules of Procedure and the Constitution and undemocratic behavior,” said VMRO-DPMNE.
    The largest opposition party, however, does not believe that the government will vote for this interpellation, not even in such a case.

    “It would be good for the citizens to see the face of DUI and SDSM, how they collectively defend the indefensible rampage on the Constitution, the Rules of Procedure and the laws, by Talat Xhaferi,” said Stojanovska.

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