Crisis and poverty for the people, hundreds of thousands of euros for Bytyqi and Musliu’s wives for projects through NGO system


It has been reported that the wives of Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bytyqi and Intelligence Agency Director Erold Musliu, two senior government officials, received a staggering 600,000 euros for NGO projects, which is a serious suspicion of influential trafficking from the most severe forms of corruption, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Friday.

“The two called out officials are silent, the Government is silent, President Pendarvski is silent, the competent institutions are silent. The principle is probably to remain silent whenever there are serious indications of a crime or corruption. Whenever the government is caught in a scandal, it tries to cover it up and cover it with other topics. This scandal is serious, especially since these funds are distributed in times of crisis, when citizens are barely making ends meet. Instead of Bytyqi convincing us that the citizens should save and that the price increase will not be felt, he should go public and explain these transactions, whether and how he influenced hundreds of thousands of euros to end up on his wife’s project,” said the opposition party.


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