Government Council for the Macedonian Language: The independence and originality of the language are respected in the proposal


The points related to the status of the Macedonian language show that the independence and originality of the Macedonian language are respected and that the Macedonian language becomes one of the official languages in the European Union, states the Macedonian Language Council (SMJ), which on Saturday at an extraordinary session reviewed the official proposal which The government announced it on Friday on its website.
“SMJ believes that our country and all higher education and scientific institutions in these new circumstances should advocate and work on the further affirmation and emancipation of the Macedonian language in European and world frameworks. This means that as a state policy we should advocate for the maximum possible opening of lectureships in the Macedonian language at universities abroad and in cultural centers at the embassies of the Republic of North Macedonia”, said the Council within the Government.
In the Council’s announcement it is also stated that, on the domestic level, much greater attention and care should be devoted to the creation and employment of young people in the scientific and educational field of the Macedonian language, but also to pay particular attention to the cultivation of language expression in writing and in an oral form on all levels in our country and outside it.

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