Parliament Commission fails to approve the proposal to increase salaries in the public sector, SSM continues protests


The Parliament Committee on Financing and Budget at the session on Saturday did not approve the proposal for a linear salary increase in the public sector, and the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) demanded the resignation of the MPs who voted against the proposal.

“I thank these non-popular MPs who voted “no” for raising the worker’s wages, these MPs are the following: MarijaGjorgieska, Daniela Markovska, Dime Velkoski, MarijaKochoska, KoleChakarliev, ArtaBiljaliZendeli, BajramiKadria and PanchoMinov who did not want to vote. MPs never again, never again the voice of the workers resigned,” said the SSM leader DarkoDimovski.

The SSM head also demanded the resignation of Deputy Minister FilipNikolovski.

Dimovski informed that the strike continues and expressed the hope that the prime minister will understand their demands and meet the worker for the “necessary 2,806 denars for subsistence”.

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