Let’s protect our national dignity, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE


The current government led by SDSM and DUI wants to present a fictitious consultation within 48 hours, while now we see that either the proposal will not go to the Parliament or it will go as a consultation, which means that this government does not believe that it has 61 deputies who will supported, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Timcho Mucunski told Sitel TV News.
Mucunski stressed that it is therefore necessary to “stand firm as a society”, and appealed to the citizens to watch what is being presented vigilantly and carefully and not to listen to the fake news presented by the government, but to really look at each other internally and to let us tell Europe that we do not accept this.
“Macedonia does not need a political consensus, it needs a social consensus on this issue and it was necessary to consult with top experts from MANU, the universities, the media, non-governmental sector, chambers of commerce and let us all see together how to build a strategy,” said Mucunski.
Mucunski added that if the Government had respect for VMRO-DPMNE’s position, it would have accepted when the opposition party offered expert help,to jointly build a foreign policy, a strategy in relations in Bulgaria so that we do not get to this situation now.

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