CBI: The French proposal does not have a single element of protection of the Macedonian identity  


The Center for Security Research (CBI), as an organization that deals with the research of security phenomena, but also with research and analysis of other social developments that may have security implications or have a negative effect on the sovereignty and constitutional order of the Republic of N. Macedonia, expresses its deep concern and disagreement with the maximalist demands that Bulgaria has set for the removal of the veto and the start of negotiations for membership in the European Union, says the CBI.

CBI’s position is that this whole process will end (if the proposal is accepted) by causing direct damage to the national and strategic interests of the Republic of N. Macedonia. In addition, by signing this proposal, which does not contain a single element of protection of the Macedonian identity, the language, history and culture are called into question, and with the negotiations to change the meaning of historical figures from foreign countries, the Macedonian national sovereignty, says the organization.

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