Union expense basket “heavier” by MKD 5,500 in just one year


The minimum monthly expenses of a four-member family in June amounted to MKD 39,710 and compared to January, they increased by MKD 3,399 or by 9.49 percent.

The Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia, where they make the trade union consumption basket on a monthly basis, informs that in one year the trade union basket has increased by MKD 5,498 or by 16 percent.

The increase in prices and the growth of inflation, which is increasing from month to month for the month of June, is 14.5 percent and affects the reduction of the purchasing power of the workers and leads to the impoverishment of the entire population, assesses the SSM.

According to the SSM analysis, the increase in the minimum union basket is growing due to the increase in prices. The biggest increase in June is in food and beverages.

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