Besimi: Anti-crisis government measures will be most active in the fourth quarter


The anti-crisis measures will follow economic trends, and most of them are expected to be active in the fourth quarter of the year. There will be measures for both citizens and companies to stabilize food prices. Fiscal space will be maintained and the maintenance of macroeconomic stability will be ensured, Macedonian Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi said in an opinion piece.

“With the Budget Review, an additional 19 billion denars have been secured aimed at several categories and goals. About a quarter of them are reserved for new measures. Additional funds have been provided for farmers, and thus more favorable action on food prices. For the most vulnerable categories, additional support funds are provided for dealing with price shocks, and funds are also provided for increasing pensions – systemically, according to the growth of salaries and living costs. There are additional funds for companies to subsidize salary increases, as well as programs to support investments”, wrote Besimi.

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