In mates at KPU Tetovo to cool off in a prefabricated pool


Although prominent convicts from Skopje changed their address to Ohrid, in order to serve their prison sentences in the Struga prison, it seems that this summer the greatest comfort and fun will be in the prison of Tetovo. These days, a prefabricated cooling pool has been installed there for inmates to cool down, as part of the resocialization program implemented in this penitentiary. The goal is to improve their mental and physical condition, the prison representative says.

Apart from the swimming pool, which is of a seasonal nature, the prisoners in the Tetovo prison will spend their time in renovated prison rooms, bedrooms with sanitary facilities, a kitchen, a canteen, but also a sanctuary, a library and a barber shop. In the prison, both the reception and closed departments have been renovated, and the entire facility has been disinfected.

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