If this is a historic day, call the people to a joint celebration


If today is a historic day, after Prime Minister Kovachevski, Bujar Osmani and Bojan Marichikj return from Brussels, then they should go to the square and call the people for a joint celebration, and not just go to the Club of MPs for a private celebration, MP from the ranks of opposition VMRO-DPMNE Antonio Miloshoski told a press conference on Tuesday.
“In Brussels today we have two countries, one of which Albania will actually start the accession negotiations by opening a real intergovernmental conference and Macedonia which will have a formal lunch and a photoshoot and will not start the accession negotiations, but will return home to fulfill the blackmail and demands from Bulgaria as a precondition for starting the negotiations with the EU sometime in a year, two or later,” said Miloshoski.

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