Sali: The Brezev case will be pursued to the end, immediate meeting of expert teams from “MALMED” and “Zhan Mitrev” underway


The Brezev case will be pursued to the end and will be resolved. No one is above the law, no one is untouchable, Health Minister Bekim Sali said on Wednesday.

The minister informed at a press conference that a meeting of an expert team from the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (MALMED) with representatives from the clinical hospital “Zhan Mitrev” is currently underway to determine whether the tests on the patients who were treated there were carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations.

According to Minister Sali, the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate in the last three years made 45 regular and 52 extraordinary inspections in 12 private health institutions. The details were announced by the director Irinka Sotirovska Buhova, informing that specifically at the “Zhan Mitrev” private hospital three regular and nine extraordinary inspections were carried out.

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