Ruskovska: The pressure on the prosecutors of the PPO for Organized Crime by a person appointed by the Government is appalling


The head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, Vilma Ruskovska, calls on all competent institutions in the country, but also all international institutions and embassies, above all the US Embassy and the EU Office, to, as she says, check all the facts once and for all it becomes clear who in this country fights against crime and who commits the crime.
Ruskovska is also looking for the European Prosecutor Laura Koveshi, if she is able to come and check all the cases of PPO, since she is the head of the prosecution, with a special reference to the cases about Rashkovski, Zekiri and this latest one about Muaremi.
“As a prosecutor with more than 34 years of experience, during which I have been a prosecutor for organized crime since the establishment of the organized crime department of JORM back in 2004, I will not allow a person whose conduct is being checked to stain my face and honor that have long been I have been painstakingly building it for years,” says Ruskovska in her written reaction to Muaremi’s briefing on Wednesday.

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